A cavity search is exactly what it sounds like – a physical examination of a person’s body cavities, including oral, anal, and vaginal cavities, typically searching for concealed contraband or evidence. While the Supreme Judicial Court has recognized that these intrusive searches can be constitutional when supported by probable cause and conducted appropriately, our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Massachusetts routinely challenge their validity.The bar for justifying a cavity search is necessarily high – police need specific, articulable facts suggesting evidence is concealed inside your body, not mere suspicion.
Even then, these searches must be conducted by medical professionals in a hospital setting, not by officers in the field. Our firm has successfully moved to suppress evidence from cavity searches where officers lacked sufficient probable cause or failed to obtain a warrant when circumstances didn’t justify an exigent circumstances exception. The deeply invasive nature of these searches demands rigorous scrutiny of police conduct, and our dedicated legal team provides zealous advocacy to protect your constitutional rights against unreasonable intrusion.
What Does the Fourth Amendment Protect?
The Fourth Amendment protects against government intrusion in the home, provides a reasonable expectation of a suspect or prisoner’s privacy, and protects againstunreasonable searches of the personby law enforcement officers. The Fourth Amendment also protects against bodily intrusions, such asblood tests of intoxicated drivers. Police are usually required to obtain a warrant for blood tests and other invasive search procedures, while breath tests may be performed without a warrant.
It’s important to remember that the Fourth Amendment doesn’t guarantee immunity from all searches and seizures, just those deemed unreasonable under the law. To be reasonable, there must be a credible threat to public safety or interest that outweighs and necessitates the intrusion on an individual’s Fourth Amendment rights.The right to be free of unreasonable search or seizure is guaranteed under the Fourth Amendment. However, police are allowed to perform searches—even searches of the intimate areas of a person’s body—if the search is “reasonable.”
The legality of a search depends on several factors, including the circumstances of the examination, the degree of intrusion, and the location where the investigation takes place. It will take the help of a Massachusetts criminal defense lawyer to determine if your rights were violated during a search.
For a free legal consultation, call (781) 740-0800
Types of Bodily Searches
Terry Stop/Stop and Frisk/Pat Down
In Massachusetts, a pat-down search (also known as a “stop and frisk” or “Terry stop”) is a limited protective search of a person’s outer clothing performed by law enforcement officers. Under Massachusetts law, following the principles established in Terry v. Ohio and codified in state case law, officers must have reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous before conducting a pat-down. The search must be limited to what’s necessary to detect weapons – running hands over the outer clothing to feel for guns, knives, or other objects that could pose a threat to officer safety. Officers cannot manipulate objects they feel or reach into pockets unless they have probable cause to believe they’ve detected a weapon or contraband under the “plain feel” doctrine. Importantly, Massachusetts courts generally provide stronger protections against unreasonable searches than federal courts, often requiring officers to articulate more specific facts to justify their reasonable suspicion than might be required under federal law.
Strip Search
This search requires an arrested suspect to remove their clothes to ensure that they are not concealing weapons or other contraband. A strip search does not require a warrant or probable cause and may be performed even for a misdemeanor offense, as long as it is reasonable given the crime or circumstances of the arrest. However, courts must consider the scope of each intrusion, how they were conducted, and where they were conducted when determining reasonableness. For example, a driver arrested on drug charges may be strip-searched at the police station to protect officers, but a strip search at the roadside would violate their privacy rights under the Fourth Amendment.
Visual Body Cavity Search
Visual body cavity inspections typically occur when a person is admitted into jail to serve a sentence. In a visual body cavity search, the suspect’s clothes are removed, and one or more police officers observe the suspect’s body cavities (without touching them). The suspect may be ordered to bend over, squat, cough, or make other movements while naked to determine whether they are hiding evidence inside the body cavity. Prisoners don’t surrender their constitutional rights upon incarceration, but detention in a correctional facility raises concerns about inmate and officer safety. Due to security concerns, corrections officers may intrude on a prisoner’s rights more than a civilian’s as long as the search is reasonable.
Manual Body Cavity Search
The most intrusive search is a manual body cavity inspection, where police officers may remove or insert items into a suspect’s body cavities. Jails and prisons regularly perform these searches to ensure inmates aren’t smuggling drugs, weapons, or contraband into or out of the facility. These searches sometimes occur even if a prisoner has not been charged with a drug or weapons offense or violent crime—and without any credible evidence that the inmate possessed contraband. Since these inspections are highly invasive, many courts prohibit body cavity intrusion without a warrant, probable cause, or a compelling need for action without time to secure a warrant.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Massachusetts Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
If you’ve been arrested on an OUI/DUI charge, drug possession, or drug trafficking charge, you should speak to a skilled criminal defense attorney in Massachusetts as soon as possible. You can contact us online or call our office directly to schedule your free consultation with one of our top-notch defense lawyers. We proudly represent clients throughout Norfolk County from our office in Norwell, Massachusetts, including the surrounding areas such as Plymouth, Barnstable, Nantucket, and more.
Call or text (781) 740-0800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form