Nate Amendola brings a refreshingly holistic approach to our South Shore criminal defense practice. At Nate Amendola Defense, we not only help clients resolve Massachusetts assault and battery, domestic violence, drug charge, and other criminal defense cases, but we also help mitigate potential collateral consequences and work to ensure you have the tool kit you need to rebuild and reclaim your life.
100% CONFIDENTIALAreas of Expertise
Massachusetts Criminal Defense Law Firm
We Stand Head
and Shoulders Above
the Average Defense Firm
Results-driven defense strategies
Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps us develop laser-focused defense strategies that produce exceptional results.
Open and honest communication
Have a question about your charges, defense strategy, and what to expect as your case moves through the criminal justice system? Call or email us any time.
Compassionate connections
Life is hard and people make mistakes. You don’t have to worry about us judging you. We’re here to defend you and equip you with the tools you need to succeed well beyond the conclusion of your case.
Imposing presence
Standing 6’6”, Nate Amendola is an imposing presence in the courtroom with a friendly—yet fierce—defense style.
Help for collateral consequences
While most criminal defense attorneys tend to ignore the collateral consequences that can come with an arrest or conviction, we’re dedicated to helping our clients deal with and overcome them.
Resources for underlying issues
Struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, mental illness, problems at home, or other issues? We can recommend resources, mindfulness strategies and connect you with the right people who can help.
Dynamic book recommendations
Find recommendations for books on philosophy, sports, self-improvement, fiction, and other topics that have influenced our holistic approach to criminal defense.

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Barely Legal With Nate Amendola
If you’ve been arrested you are not a criminal. You are someone who’s having a bad day. The criminal process is scary, and you need a determined, experienced Norwell criminal defense lawyer to protect you. The law is technical. Hire a professional who knows the courts and the players and start thinking about better days ahead.
We offer exceptional service during a very difficult time. Nobody fights like an Amendola, and we work tirelessly to get the results you deserve.
We charge a flat fee for OUI cases, and that fee depends on whether you have been convicted of an OUI previously. We do accept credit cards.
No. The Commonwealth is clear on the age of consent (sixteen) with no exceptions for minors who have underage sex or for individuals in relationships where there is an age gap.
In Massachusetts, our experienced legal team understands the critical distinctions between jails and prisons that may affect your case: Jails are county-operated facilities primarily housing individuals awaiting trial or serving sentences under 2.5 years. These facilities focus on short-term custody with limited programming options. Prisons, also known asMassachusetts Department of Correction institutions, are designed for individuals serving longer sentences (2.5+ years) for more serious offenses. These facilities typically offer more comprehensive rehabilitation, educational, and vocational programs. Understanding these differences is essential when developing your defense strategy and preparing for potential outcomes. Our criminal defense lawyers leverage this knowledge to advocate for the most favorable placements and conditions possible should incarceration become necessary.
Hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is your most important step. A skilled criminal defense lawyer will protect your constitutional rights, conduct pre-trial discovery, file strategic motions to dismiss or suppress evidence, cross-examine witnesses against you, and ensure you receive a fair trial. At our firm, our criminal defense lawyers have successfully defended numerous clients against false accusations throughout Massachusetts South Shore and Cape Cod.
In Massachusetts, if you're 18 or older, you're treated as an adult when you break the law. This means you could go to jail or prison. Kids under 18 usually go through the juvenile justice system instead, which is different, though there are some special cases where teens might be treated like adults.
Nate Amendola
Located in Norwell, Nate Amendola Defense serves criminal defense clients throughout the Massachusetts South Shore and Cape Cod, in Norfolk, Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, and Nantucket Counties, as well as their surrounding areas.